Every parent wants their child to succeed, and back-to-school can cause anxiety. Some parents might worry that music lessons during the school year will cause too much pressure and wonder if it makes sense to put music on hold while their child acclimates to a new grade.


It’s understandable to want your child to focus on school, and parents who end music lessons when school starts have their child’s best interests at heart. But in the end, this usually is not the right decision.

Studying music is actually likely to help your child at school, not hurt them. Music lessons teach a discipline and practice that will carry over to academic achievement. At MnSOM, we aim to partner with parents academically as well as musically, and we view music education as part of overall scholastic success.

If you’re concerned that music lessons will be too much for your child to handle along with the requirements of school, we’re here to help. Since we are an individualized music school, if your child is experiencing challenges, we can back off and take it at a slower pace. We’re happy to lighten the load so our students can succeed in both music and school — remember, we want them to have fun!

Another common concern is scheduling. We understand that current lesson times might not work with your child’s school schedule. As a part of Eric’s retirement from teaching, MnSOM is bringing on new instructors to help with weekend and evening classes. We have the ability to move your child’s lesson, but space is limited. Contact the front desk today to inquire about rescheduling.

MnSOM is proud to partner with parents to ensure that their children get the best education both inside and outside of school. If you have any concerns, let your instructor know so we can ensure we meet your child’s unique needs.